Always Trust Your Cape- Guy Clark

My dolls often come through with personal protections. Magical wraps, earthly medicines, thorns, ferocities and natural gifts...

It has been feeling like we all need protections, now more than ever.

My cloak includes the Eyes of the Ancestors who guide me if I will listen, the roots of Angelica- my most intimate ally in the garden who connects me with my resources, Hawthorn berries- reminding me of sweetness in life and strength of the heart, Leaves- the lungs of the earth, representing the reciprocity of living things, and Bits of Lace- made by the hands of beauty makers who I honor for their contributions to the world.

Before I sleep I imagine being covered with the assistance and protection of all my resources, the seen and the unseen...

What does your cloak include? Who are your protectors?


  • George,
    Yes! Love is the stream from which we all, ALL OF US, are born. Finding that reflection in our days, in our ways, is our greatest gift I believe. During hard times it can be difficult to find the river and to remember the source. These sure are hard times! 🌬💨🤍

    Caline Welles
  • I remember T Bone Burnette opening a show at Tramps in NYC in the 80s with a song entitled, ’There’s a River of Love that Flows Through All Things’. That so sums up perennial wisdom to me. Love made us, is the ground of our being, in which we live and move and have our being. Creation is ongoing, always uncertain, and ever changing, yet at the heart of us all is peace ‘that surpasses understanding’.
    Thank you for your ongoing inspiring work, Caline! xo

  • Yay, Corie. The greatest cloak of all!

  • My cloak these days are my own arms finally hugging me in a full embrace.


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